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Retrieve statement listsSignature required

POST /amsin/api/v1/business/account/inquiryStatementList

Call this API to obtain transaction statements.


A message consists of a header and body. For details, see the following sections.

Request header







Client-Id: *****

For more information about these request header fields, see Request header.



Signature: algorithm=RSA256, keyVersion=2, signature=*****



Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8



Request-Time: 2019-04-04T12:08:56+08:00



Connected-CustomerId: *****


Required when a partner manages a customer's account.



Access-Token: ******


Required for OAUTH authorization.

Request parameters

startTime Datetime  REQUIRED

The starting time of the queried transaction records.

When fuzzyName is unspecified, the time interval between startTime and endTime cannot be more than 3 months (equivalent to 100 days).

More information:

  • The value follows the ISO 8601 standard format. For example, "2019-11-27T12:01:01+08:00".

endTime Datetime  REQUIRED

The ending time of the queried transaction records.

When fuzzyName is unspecified, the time interval between startTime and endTime cannot be more than 3 months (equivalent to 100 days).

More information:

  • The value follows the ISO 8601 standard format. For example, "2019-11-27T12:01:01+08:00".

transactionTypeList Array<String>  

Indicates the type of transaction that this API requests.

For example: TRANSFERCOLLECTION, and etc. For the full list, refer to the transactionType.

  • The valid values for this parameter may vary based on the location and business context. To query specific transactions, consult the transaction types listed on the WorldFirst portal. 
  • When this parameter is unspecified, WorldFirst returns all available transaction types.

currencyList Array<String>  

A list containing 3-character ISO-4217 currency codes representing the currency that the Partner queries. Supported currencies: USDEURGBPCADJPY, AUDHKDSGDNZDCNYCHFAEDSEKPLNCZKMXN.

When you do not use this parameter, WorldFirst returns transactions in all currencies.

balanceTypes Array<String>  

Indicates different balance types.

Customers can use different types of balances to manage their funds separately to meet specific business needs and achieve better risk control.

Valid values are:

  • NORMAL_BALANCE: indicates the e-commerce balance.
  • SAME_NAME_TOP_UP_BALANCE: indicates the samename funds.

NORMAL_BALANCE​ is the default value when this parameter is not specified.

pageSize Integer  REQUIRED

Indicates the number of items on each page.

More information:

  • Value range: 10 (fixed value)

pageNumber Integer  REQUIRED

Indicates the current page index that contains statement information. Format: 1,2,3,...

More information:

  • Value range: 0-50 (inclusive)

fuzzyName String  

The value used to filter beneficaries using fuzzy matching.

Response parameters

result Result  REQUIRED

Indicates whether this API is called successfully.

Show child parameters

responseId String  REQUIRED

The unique ID that is assigned by WorldFirst to identify a response.

This field is returned only when the value of result.resultStatus is S.

More information:

  • Maximum length: 32 characters

statementList Array<Statement>  REQUIRED

List of statements.

This field is returned only when the value of result.resultStatus is S.

Show child parameters

totalCount Integer  REQUIRED

The total number of items in the query.

This field is returned only when the value of result.resultStatus is S.

totalPageNumber Integer  REQUIRED

Number of the pages in total.

This field is returned only when the value of result.resultStatus is S.

currentPageNumber Integer  REQUIRED

The currency page index number.

This field is returned only when the value of result.resultStatus is S.

API Explorer


Request Body


Case description
When the value of transactionType is TRANSFER
Response Body

Result processing logic

After calling the API, a response is returned. The possible responses for result.resultStatus are:

Result status



This indicates the API call succeeded.


This indicates the API call failed. For more information on why the call failed, see the following result codes tables. 


This indicates the API call result is unknown. Partner can make a query when the returned status is UNKNOWN. Use the following query strategy:

  • A Partner can make 7 queries at maximum.
  • Intervals between queries: 5m, 10m, 20m, 40m, 80m, 160m, and 320m.

If none of the queries is successful, contact WorldFirst Technical Support.

System-related result codes

CodeValueMessageFurther action
PARAM_ILLEGALFIllegal parameters exist. For example, a non-numeric input, or an invalid date.

Check and verify whether the request fields, including the header fields and body fields, are correct and valid.

For details on the fields of each API, see the specific API Structure section.

PROCESS_FAILFA general business failure occurred. Do not retry.

Human intervention is usually needed. It is recommended that you contact our Technical Support Team to resolve the issue.

UNKNOWN_EXCEPTIONUAPI failed due to unknown reason.

The service might be down, retry later. If the issue persists, contact our Technical Support Team.

REQUEST_TRAFFIC_EXCEED_LIMITUThe request traffic exceeds the limit.

Call the interface again to resolve the issue. If the issue persists, contact our Technical Support Team.

OAUTH_FAILFOAuth process failed.

Contact our Technical Support Team for detailed reasons.

INVALID_APIFThe called API is invalid or not active.

Check whether the correct API is being called.

INVALID_CLIENTFThe client is invalid.

The Client ID does not exist or is invalid.

INVALID_SIGNATUREFThe signature is invalid.

Make sure the request is properly signed with a valid signature.

METHOD_NOT_SUPPORTEDFThe server does not implement the requested HTTP method.

Ensure the HTTP method is POST.

Business-related result codes

CodeValueMessageFurther action
USER_NOT_EXIST FThe user does not exist.

Retry with the correct user information.

SYSTEM_ERRORFSystem error.

Do not retry, and contact our Technical Support Team for more details.

SERVICE_NOT_ALLOWEDFService not allowed

Retry with the correct information. If the issue persists, contact our Technical Support Team.

CURRENCY_NOT_SUPPORTFThe currency is not supported.

Make sure the currency input is correct and try again.

CONTRACT_CHECK_FAILFThe contract check has failed.

Check the contract status before retrying.

AUTHORIZATION_NOT_EXISTFThe authorization does not exist.

Make sure that the input is correct. If the issue persists, contact our Technical Support Team to verify the authorization status. 

ACCESS_TOKEN_EXPIREDFThe access token expired.

Refresh token to get a new access token or contact out Technical Support Team to address it.