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Submit trade review

Note: This step only concerns transfers inbound to China. It is not necessary for non-CNY scenario transfers.

Due to regulatory requirements, the Partner needs to provide information about the trade order to WorldFirst(Alipay) for review for transfers inbound to China.

The Partner also gains additional benefits from submitting a trade review such as increasing the RMB withdrawal quota of the seller.


The following figure illustrates the trade review process for inbScreen Shot 2022-05-10 at 5.53.21 PM.pngound transfers to China:

Figure 1. The process for trade order review.


Step 1. Send the trade information to WorldFirst(Alipay) for review

This process has the following steps:

  1. The Partner submits the trade information to WorldFirst(Alipay) with the submitTradeOrder interface. More precisely, the Partner needs to register the trade information in the tradeOrder field.
  2. WorldFirst(Alipay) responds to the Partner with a result code indicating that the registration is either accepted or rejected.
  3. The Partner can inquire about the result of the trade review in Step 2. Alternatively, the Partner can wait for the WorldFirst(Alipay) notification about the result as described in Step 3.

Step 2. Query the result

This process has the following steps:

  1. The Partner calls the inquiryTradeOrder to inquire about the result of the trade order review.
  2. WorldFirst(Alipay) responses to Partners with the result.

Step 3. Receive notifications about the result

WorldFirst(Alipay) validates the trade order after receiving the trade review submission. Once the trade order is either approved or declined, WorldFirst(Alipay) notifies the Partner with the notifyTradeOrder interface about the result.

Next steps

Once the trade review process is completed, it is possible to: