Make prefunding deposits

Prefunding is a necessary step before a monetary transfer takes place. The Partner needs to contact WorldFirst and make deposits offline.

Prefunding grants the transfer to be completed within the same day for better currency exchange rates.


Screen Shot 2022-04-19 at 10.39.51 AM.png

Figure 1. The prefunding process


Step 1. Make prefunding deposits

The Partner needs to contact WorldFirst Support before making prefunding deposits offline.

Step 2. Receive prefunding result notification

After receiving the prefunding deposits from banking institutions, WorldFirst updates the prefunding balance and notifies the Partner with the notifyVostroAccount API within 30 minutes.

The process has the following steps:

  1. WorldFirst notifies the Partner after receiving the prefunding deposits.
  2. The Partner processes the notification and responds to WorldFirst, indicating that the Partner receives the notification successfully.

Step 3. Query the prefunding balance

After prefunding, the Partner can use the inquiryBalance API to obtain the prefunding balance.

The process has the following steps: 

  1. The Partner inquires about the prefunding balance with the inquiryBalance API.
  2. WorldFirst responses to the Partner relevant information.

Note: This step is required after the Partner makes a prefunding deposit. The Partner needs to ensure that the prefunding balance is sufficient.

Next steps

Once the prefunding process is completed, it is possible to:

@2024 WorldFirst